
He iniciado un nuevo proyecto el cual he titulado Villahermosa weblog, en realidad no se cual sera su giro final, he iniciado tratando de abarcar muchas de las posibles opciones de tema, desde cultura hasta la tan temida politica, que es algo que en mi no se da muy seguido y mucho menos tan facil, en fin solo espero tener suficiente tiempo para no dejarlo morir.
Si deseas puedes visitar el sitio en http://www.rmartinezvhsa.wordpress.com no es algo super entretenido pero esto es solo el inicio espero poder mostrar muchas cosas por medio de este Weblog.
Por supesto no abandonare mi sitio en Windows Live Messenger a pesar de que ya tiene buen rato que no l modifico, continuare tan pronto como tenga paterial nuevo que agregar. Ya saben todas esas cosas de Fotografias, vere sobre algunos videos, y más amigos…
Cuidense y estamos en contacto.
Take care I hope to see you soon
Kiwotsukete, Mataneee mina san!

Missing somebody

I don’t know how to start to write to you at this time, but I should do it, I feel that I need to do it. I would not like to talk about anything about my feeling, but sometimes I just can’t avoid it.


On these days I think on you most of the time along the days, you are in my mind.

I don’t want to stop these thoughts.


I thought that the time would take out the love that I feel for you, I thought the distance would keep far to me this feeling, I thought the silent could be my best friend at forget the love I felt for you, but now…

I just know, I just feel… that my love for you never died, it was never took off from my heart.

I just know, I just feel… that my love for you still alive as the last day I saw you, this love is stronger than my soul.


I close my eyes and wind brings to me your aroma, wind brings to me the song of your voice. I can’t stop to dream awake, you are always the best pretext to dream, the most beautiful dreams


Now, I feel, I know…


I am in love with you…   


by Roger…